5 Ways To Cleanse Your Energy Body

As an energy healer and empath, it is extra important that I keep regular energy cleansing practices. If you too are an empath (most of you reading my blog) then you too could benefit from daily energy cleansing rituals. Don’t worry, I will break it down into five simple ways to cleanse your energy. Pick which energy cleansing techniques work best for you and set your own routines that you can stick to regularly.

What is the purpose of energy cleansing?

Throughout the day, our energy flow can get stuck for many reasons. First, it is common to ignore or suppress emotions as we move through a busy schedule. It’s nearly impossible to stay on top of all the emotional reactions we experience. For example, you are driving to work and get cut off by another vehicle. Your body reacts and all you feel is anger. But in truth, your body likely went through layers of feelings including anger, fear, and relief (when you didn’t get hurt).

Second, as empaths, we tend to consciously and unconsciously tune into other people’s emotions and energy. Often we hold these emotions and energies in our own fields as if they are our own. In a future blog post I will talk about how to protect your energy field and pick up less negative energy throughout the day, but even with implementing energy protection techniques it is still important to intentionally cleanse and release what does not belong to you.

So why is it important to cleanse our energy bodies? When negative energy or emotions are trapped in our physical or energetic bodies, we can start to feel run down, hopeless, depressed, overwhelmed, and scattered. Sometimes trapped energy can become physical pain in our bodies such as headaches, back pain, or stomach aches. Keep reading to learn about five simple techniques to keeping your energy clear and free.


I like to start each of these techniques with a prayer or intention. “Angels, please help me to recognize and release emotions and energies that no longer serve me.”

#1 Just Add Water: Wash your hands and splash water on your face; drink filtered water or spring water; soak in a bath with epsom salts and lemon essential oil; get a glass spray bottle and fill it with filtered or spring water plus a couple drops of lemon essential oil- spray around your body from head to toe; take a shower; swim in a lake or the ocean; stand in the rain; visualize yourself standing in the rain or shower.

#2 Lemon: Lemon is well-known for it's cleansing properties for both your body (especially your liver) and your home. In addition, the scent and energetic properties of the lemon rind can stimulate a deep energetic cleanse by clearing away emotional and spiritual blocks and helping disconnected parts of your spirit to return home to your body. Using an organic lemon, you can grate the lemon peel and inhale the scent. Or, you can inhale or diffuse lemon essential oil, or put it on the area of your liver or the bottom of your feet.

#3 The Feelings Check-In: This tool is really simple and can be done in less than a minute. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, tune into your heart chakra and identify and name every feeling that arises. Do not try to change them, just let each feeling pass through like a cloud floating through your heart. Feelings are simply energies moving through your body that need attention. When they are ignored, they build up over time and create energy blocks. And for empaths, ignoring our own emotions makes it difficult to discern between what is ours and what belongs to someone else.

#4 Meditation: Connecting with Spirit and making time to sit still and listen is key to keeping your energy field clear. Meditation puts you in "receptive" mode, ready to receive from the Universe. Set a timer for 5 minutes. Sit in a comfortable and relaxed position and close your eyes. Set an intention for listening and receiving healing and cleansing from your guides and angels. Allow your attention to stay behind your third eye or in your heart chakra while you breathe gently and easily until your timer goes off. Stretch out the time by a minute each day up to 15 minutes.

#5 Journaling: Start your journaling with a prompt specific to cleansing your energy. For example, “where do I feel stuck energy in my body right now” or “where do I feel heavy, warm, or cold in my body?” Identify the area of blockage and journal for 5-10 minutes simply using stream-of-consciousness writing about that area.

How Often Should You Cleanse Your Energy?

Ideally, you can practice one or more of these techniques three times a day. You could cleanse before each meal or set timers to remind you. The best schedule is a schedule you can stick with consistently. Regular daily energy cleanses will keep you feeling lighter and in balance. But don't worry if you forget your practice for a few days- you can always pick up whenever you remember.

For further exploration in cleansing your energy and chakras, join me in the monthly virtual group healing circle on the first Tuesday of the month or book your individual session.

I hope these suggestions help you in your daily practice of energy cleansing! Drop a comment below to let me know how you plan to implement these cleansing practices in your life today!


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